Sunday, August 20, 2006

Everyone needs a plan

When you want to accomplish something you need a plan.

My goal: get back in the black with poker. Yeah, seems obvious, but until recently I’ve been letting my losses be justified as a part of the learning process. Well as you’ve seen in my posts last month I figured it was time to make some money back.

My first plan seems to be working for me. It’s rather quite simple. I focus on single table tournaments. But the key is to look at 10 tournaments at a time. So I took $330 and said let’s see how I do with 10 straight tables. Results: great. Then I took $550. Results: even! On the third set of 10 I had great results again.

Here’s where I think it makes a huge difference. Before I would find myself playing tight on every table reaching to get in the money. If I didn’t, depression. But I was playing scared poker and I was also not experimenting. When you’re willing to lose a tournament it takes so much pressure off of you that you play better. Much better!

Looking at the big picture, 10 tables at a time you get to see results. If you’re not winning move down a level. If you’re consistently winning try a higher level.

Prior to this approach I was 0-for-6 at the $50+$5 level. Now I am in the black at that level and am not at all intimidated by the other players like I was before.

I’ve set the end of September as my goal for being in the black. I’m 2/3 of the way there now. Wish me luck!


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